Team Long Road

Walk Across the Florida Keys
Beginning on the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th tragedy and ending on the 45th annual National POW/MIA Recognition Day, retired U.S. Marine Corps Sergeants Major Justin “JD” LeHew and Coleman “Rocky” Kinzer will continue “The Long Road” with a 113-mile journey across the Florida Keys. Their purpose: to continue the mission to support recovering the more than 81,600 of America’s Missing and Killed in Action from all wars and conflicts, Gold Star families, and other great charitable causes in support of helping and continuing to give back to others from all walks and challenges in life.

The Mission
Their journey for this third mission will begin on US-1 South along the Florida Keys Overseas Highway in Key Largo and end at the Key West Cemetery monument to the victims of the battleship USS Maine Memorial. The route selected is the southernmost highway in the continental United States, often referred to as the “Highway that Goes to the Sea.” The roadway incorporates 42 bridges leapfrogging from key to key over waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Florida Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico. It is also known as Florida’s first and only “All-American Road” per its designation in 2009 by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Only 30 other roadways nationwide have earned this prestigious title.

Meet The Hikers
JD and Rocky collectively served in the United States Marine Corps for a total of 56 years on active duty and are two of America’s most highly decorated combat veterans who have served since the end of the Vietnam War. They have been working together for years, not just in uniform, but also outside of it as they have been circumnavigating the globe in the search for America’s missing and killed in action since departing the active ranks of the US Military, investing their own money in the search and recovery of our nations lost heroes. Now with the addition of another highly decorated Marine, 11 year Marine Corps veteran Ray Shinohara, the three Marines together are continuing this epic journey across America to spread the word of the plight of our nations missing and killed in action as well as reinforce the principle of never leaving a fallen comrade behind and I am my brother and sisters keeper

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